This write-up describes the steps to manage the windows taskbar on the extended screen and main screen. Here, we will learn the setup to show all the items icons on the main screen and only open items icons on the second screen taskbar.
Follow the below steps:
Step 1
Right-click on the taskbar and go to taskbar Setting.

By default, this is the setting available in Show taskbar button on All taskbars.

Step 2
All taskbar displays all the taskbar in the second (shared) screen as well. So, if you want to hide all taskbar items and intended to only show the shared windows, browsers, and files only, then you should change the above option to “Main taskbar and taskbars where the window is open” as illustrated.

If you do this, your main screen contains all the taskbar items and 2nd screen displays only the opened items in its taskbar not all.
When I do this my main screen taskbar looks like below.

And the second screen taskbar is depicted below.

I hope you find this helpful while sharing your screen and remotely working with your colleague, clients, or customers. Additionally, it will be helpful in sessions or webinars where you can comfortably share your screen’s necessary files, items, and browsers.