We are going to speak at the techWebinar on Sunday, 05 February 2023 at 6:00 PM Nepal time (NPT).

Joining Link – https://zoom.us/j/91236735675?pwd=OWQySjRDL2dISytpMXNoam52UkRVdz09

I will speak on the topic: “Build Minimal APIs in .NET 7” with the following agenda.

– Introduction to .NET 7, features of .NET 7
– What is API and Minimal API
– When to use Minimal APIs
– Build Minimal APIs in .NET 7 with Entity Framework Core

Rijwan will speak on the topic: ” Build a Web App with Blazor in .NET 7

– What is Blazor Web Development?
– .NET 7 Release
– What is Blazor Server?
– What is Blazer WebAssembly?
– Build a web app with Blazor Server with .NET 7
– Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly with .NET 7
– Solution Design and Recommendations 

More about the event can be found here.