I have worked more than 40 projects with software development and implementation with following core responsibilities:
To lead and manage the application team and development; maintaining the company policies, responsibilities, procedures and methods among the team members in order to enhance user experiences
To write high quality code for new or existing software(s)/system(s) based on verified business requirements, technical specifications and designs in accordance with organization standards.
To analyze, evaluate and validate the system program requirements by researching and consulting
To develop software solution by adopting the software development lifecycle suitably, investing the problem areas and update the procedures wherever relevant.
To prepare and maintain technical program, end user documents and Operational procedures.; documenting and demonstrating solutions by developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code.
To involve in preparing proposals and strategies design activities like financial evaluation and costing of software development, purchase and upgrades, as an expert.
To follow established testing guidelines, protocols and quality standards to ensure programs and applications meet specification by resolving the bugs and issues through proper testing, debugging, troubleshooting and diagnosing in applications programing language; researching and implementing new methodologies for effective testing, quality assurance and resolving faults.
To identify the limitations and deficiencies in used technologies for existing systems and propose associated processes, procedures and methods.
I have developed several enterprise applications with my lead role for business process automations and workflows which are successfully implemented in Telco’s like Banglalink Digital communications, a subsidiary of Dutch holding company VEON, as well as several Banks of Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. With the applications, more than 900 processes are automated and digitized. Also, I have developed Loan Origination System which is also successfully serving in several Banks and Financial institutes. Additionally, I have developed some AI solutions using cognitive services and ML model for face detection and ID card verification, e-KYC, Text extraction for auto tagging and search indexing. Furthermore, I have successfully implemented enterprise content and document management solution with SharePoint with corporate clients and also have built solutions with power platforms with dashboards. I have developed on e-commerce platform, a food portal for restaurants which successfully serving in US market. What is more, I have developed restaurants hospitality and retails software for POS systems. I have attached my project details file
SKALE – Loan Origination System
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal – Several Banks
SharePoint App, AngularJs, Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Azure (App and SQL)
Description: SKALE, a complete loan origination system for banking and financial organization. ASP.NET MVC, AngularJs, WebApi, ADO.NET. Modules: Leads management, Credit proposal, Appraisal, Analysis and Approvals, Sanctions, Disbursement, Recovery with reports and dashboards. Azure DevOps for source control and project development task and spring planning, version control, build/release. (Team Size: 8)
Digital Memo
Basic Bank Limited, National Bank Limited – Bangladesh
Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Angular, SharePoint, Azure (APP, SQL), Azure DevOps
Description: A complete digital memo solution, preparation, letter generation with digital signature and dynamic workflow and approval process. (Team Size: 4)
Automation – Banglalink Vlounge
Banglalink Digital Communication, Bangladesh: a subsidiary of the Dutch holding company VEON
Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Angular, SharePoint, Azure (APP, SQL), Azure DevOps
Description: A complete solution for business process automation. This solution has automated more than 800 processes of Banglalink. Various dynamic options to automate upcoming processes as well. Processes like: IT Services, Travel Plan/Settlement, Online Document Approval, Intern Requisition, BTS, Compliance Management, Contract, Intern requisition, IT Access Control, Test and Special SIM Management, Access management etc. with features with Dynamic Approval matrix. (Team Size: 6)
Enadoc 365 and Intelligent Auto tagging
City Bank – Bangladesh
Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Azure (APP, SQL, Cognitive services), Azure DevOps
Planning, .Net Development, Leading Project: Full Work.
Description: Develop AI app to scan and used AI cognitive services to scan handwritten text and identify image for intelligent tagging for search and finally transfer to DMS and core banking. (POC Project)
Pick me Capture
Sri Lanka
Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Azure (APP, SQL, Cognitive services), Azure DevOps
Planning, .Net Development, Leading Project.
Description: Develop AI app to scan and used AI cognitive services to identify picture of Account Holder and identify image for intelligent verification of user with national ID as well as tagging for search and finally transfer to DMS and core banking.
H4F Reporting App
Angular 7, ASP.NET Core 2.2, VS2017, TFS
Designing, Planning, Development, Leading Project.
Description: Developed angular application for reporting.
Dflow Employee Exit
Mobitel – Sri Lanka
Angular, ASP.NET webapi, SharePoint App, Azure (App and SQL), Azure DevOps
Project Lead, Solution Design, Development.
Description: Develop SharePoint App for automate the business process and Approval namely Employee Exit and Dynamic workflow with Admin Dashboard. Dynamic form based on permission. (Team Size: 3)
IS Asset Access- Dhiraagu
Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun PLC – Maldives
Angular, ASP.NET Web API, Azure (App and SQL), Azure DevOps
Project Lead, Designing, Planning, Development
Description: Develop SharePoint App for automate the business process and Approval namely IT Asset and User Access and Dynamic workflow with Admin Dashboard. (Team Size: 4)
Credit Card Automation – Shimanto
Shimanto Bank – Bangladesh
AngularJs, Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Azure DevOps
Project Lead, Designing, Planning, Development
Description: Develop process for Credit Card system: Proposal, Appraisals and Analysis with approval workflow. (Team Size: 4)
Profit Centre Operating Procedure Tool
Chevron – Bangladesh
Angular 8, ASP.NET Web API, Azure (App and SQL), Azure DevOps
Designing, Planning, Development, Leading Project.
Description: Develop App for IT for Profit Centre Operating Procedure workflow with Admin Dashboard. Dynamic workflow based on permission. (Team Size: 3)
Performance Improvement Management System
Chevron – Bangladesh
Angular 8, ASP.NET Web API, Azure (App and SQL), Azure DevOps
Solution Design, Planning, Development, Leading Project.
Description: Develop SharePoint App for Performance Improvement Management System with Admin Dashboard. Dynamic workflow based on permission.
Distribution Network Portal
Brac Bank – Bangladesh
SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Designer
Lead Project
Description: Design and developer SharePoint for Distribution Network Department.
Process Automation-Dhaka Stock Exchange
Dhaka Stock Exchange- Bangladesh
Angular, ASP.NET Web API, SharePoint, Azure (App and SQL), Azure DevOps
Designing, Planning, Development
Description: Develop SharePoint App for automate the business process namely Gate Pass Request, Specification Request and Dynamic workflow with Admin Dashboard.
CSP Web Portal
Tech One Global (Internal and Clients)
AngularJs, Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Azure (App and SQL), Azure DevOps
Designing, Planning, Development, Full Work
Description: Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Program (CSP) enables partners to directly manage their entire Microsoft cloud customer lifecycle. This project contain customer facing dashboard to update their information, know subscription and consumption of cloud services, usages and bills.
Noble Idea Solution
Angular, ASP.NET Core, SQL Server, Azure DevOps
Solution Design, Planning, Development
Description: A complete restaurant management system for POS system. (Team Size: 2)
Description: Credit Approval Workflow, workflow approval system for General Credit Approval and Dynamic request approval Document management system
Document Management System
Norp Knit industries, Bangladesh
SharePoint Technology, SharePoint Designer
SharePoint Designing (O365), SharePoint Online Development and Managing Permission
Description: Document Management System through SharePoint Online, Fabric Status Automation
O365 Branding
Ministry of Finance, Nepal
SharePoint Technology, SharePoint Designer
SharePoint Designing (O365), SharePoint Online Development and Managing Permission
Description: O365 Branding
E-Mobi Order
ASP.NET, AngularJs, Javascript, Jquery, AJAX, .NET Reporting, Mobile responsive
Coding, Designing, Planning, Reporting
Description: Online Food ordering for single Restaurant.
ASP.NET, Javascript, Jquery, AJAX, .NET Reporting, VS2013, Mobile responsive, AngularJs
Coding, Designing, Planning, Reporting, Leading Project
Description: A complete Online food portal for restaurants and franchise business.
NicePOS Hospitality Software
Tanduri Fusion (Omaha, NE), Tandoor Indian Cuisine (Lincoln, NE), Pizza Bravo Plus (Baltimore, MD), The Little King (Omaha NE), Curry & Kabob (Columbia MD), Pizza Connection (Cockeysville MD), Universal Pizza (Baltimore MD), Wings n Pie (Baltimore MD), Wings Things N More (Parkville MD), Giorgio’s (Baltimore MD) and more
.NET, .NET Reporting, Desktop Application
Coding, Designing, Planning, Reporting
Description: A Complete Software for Dinning and Pizza Delivery over all management
NicePOS Retails
.NET, .NET Reporting, Desktop Application
Coding, Designing, Planning, Reporting
Description: A Complete Software for Retails & Grocery management
NicePOS Online
The Little King 114 and 90 (Omaha NE), Pizza Bravo Plus (Baltimore MD), Tanduri Fusion (Omaha MD), Tandoor Indian Cuisine (Lincoln NE), Wings Things N More
Coding, Designing, Planning, Database Design- Full Work
Description: A Complete Web Ordering, Fully Configurable and Hospitality Management. Web application for dining, Pizza delivery, Sandwich & Subs and may more, Fully configurable
NicePOS Online Order Printer
.NET Desktop Application
Description: Desktop Application, automatically print web order in printer full configurable
NicePOS Integrated
The Little King 114 and 90 (Omaha NE), Pizza Bravo Plus (Baltimore MD), Tanduri Fusion (Omaha MD), Tandoor Indian Cuisine (Lincoln NE), Wings Things N More
.NET, .NET Reporting, Desktop Application
Coding, Designing, Planning, Database Design- Full Work
Description: A complete NicePOS online and NicePOS Hospitality desktop integrated application
Noble Idea Solution
ASP.NET Web forms, VS2010
Microsoft Access Database
Full Work
Description: Noble Idea Solution company website with several features like dynamic contents, projects and services, pos hardware ordering and payment system with dynamic options.